Sunday, January 29, 2017

2017 resolutions: update #2

Road by stevepb
Hi all! Almost 1 month in! How am I doing?

I'm going to start off by saying that I captured a mean cold this last week. Due to the fact that tomorrow I'm leaving for a business trip, I didn't want to risk it getting worse, which has an influence on some of my resolutions.

Sticking to the schedule
Last time I concluded that I wanted to work on re-introducing the schedule step by step, first focusing on waking up on time. It got better! But due to being ill, I refrained from putting an alarm in the weekend, so I could sleep some more. I don't manage to fall asleep very fast these last weeks, so I felt like I needed some extra Z's.
Except for the half hour of housework every evening, getting to work earlier and the weekends (which are quite a mess now to be honest), it's starting to get back on track. Next week will be a bit special due to the business trip, but after that I'll focus on really doing that housework and getting at work earlier. It should go hand in hand, because usually I do the housework that I needed to do in the evening, in the morning, making me leave to work later. So it should be feasible!

Drink more water
I still need to keep track in the weekends, but on working days, I'm easily drinking my 8-10 glasses of water. It's starting to feel more natural too. :) So I think, if I can manage to also do it "naturally" during the weekend, I'll remove this from my list, as it will have gone from a resolution to a habit. Hurray! :D

Take a daily walk
One week went pretty well, but last week, due to the combination of just really too much work, people planning meetings over my lunchtime, and catching a cold, I skipped a few walks. However, there are some measures I will take: I'm going to book my walk-time in my calendar, to make it clearer to my colleagues that that time slot is "reserved". Another nice thing is that my mother also works near me now, so we can meet up for walks. :) Which is nice because then we see each other more often, and also it saves me time, because otherwise she'd call me in the evening at least once a week, and she manages to make those calls last an hour.
So anyway: win-win! And also, the weather is getting better and the days longer, so it should become easier. :)

Do fitness/pilates exercises
Even though I didn't feel too well last week, I stuck to my exercises. Currently I was focusing a bit more on belly exercises. Those routines are pretty short though, so after next week, I'll try to do more. Maybe even follow a daily program, I'll see what I can find.

Lose 5kg
I'm not entirely sure what happened, but it seems like I've already lost 1kg! Is it because I drink more water in combination with the walks and exercises? I don't know. Anyway: starting on the 6th of February, I'll start my "diet". I'm just going to cut out alcohol and unhealthy snacks as much as possible until the end of February, and see how far that gets me in combination with increasing my fitness exercises, cycling to work as often as possible and sticking to my walks. Goal for the end of February: -1,5kg.
To put some numbers on it: I've been tracking with Nomie and I found that I ate around 42 snacks and drank 18 glasses of alcohol in January (up until now). I'll aim to keep the numbers below 10 snacks and 4 glasses of alcohol in February. Alcohol should not be a big issue, but my chocolate addiction might be a problem. We'll do our best! I'm choosing to not completely ban these treats yet, so I can try to keep this going after February too.

A 2-daily post on this blog
I've changed the title of this resolution to 2-daily instead of daily after my last assessment. It's not super-consistent yet, but in my opinion I managed to reach this goal. I still have to work for it, but I enjoy it, learning new things daily, and that's what matters. I also still have to work on making the blog look better, which also takes time, but I'll get there step by step.

Action points
  • Keep working on a better sleep (Get up without snoozing!)
  • Do that 30 min of housework in the evening
  • Get to work earlier to leave earlier
  • Make sure to drink enough water during the weekend
  • Block time in my calendar for my walks
  • Take more time for exercising
  • Look for a training schedule (daily or 2-daily program) to bring more structure to my exercise routine
  • Greatly diminish alcohol and unhealthy snacks until the end of February
Do these posts motivate you? Do you get inspiration from them? Any tips/tricks/advice? Leave a comment below!

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