Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nomie: track anything!

Measuring is knowing. When you want to improve something (anything), it's helpful to have some data by your side to see how often you are doing certain things, and to analyse over time how you are progressing.

When looking into life improvement techniques, I often encountered journalling. The idea behind it is that you record what you do and how you feel, and then later, while re-reading it, try to see correlations. Some examples could be:
  • You don't sleep well when you drank coffee or alcohol before bed
  • You feel happier when you exercised
  • You figure out how fast you lose weight if you don't drink that daily can of soda
  • ...
You get the idea. Even though I like writing on paper, it seems pretty time-consuming and difficult to keep an overview. Luckily, in our modern day and age, we have lots of fancy apps to help us out. I haven't found the "perfect" journalling/tracking app for me yet, but I have found a (free!) app that focuses on tracking, and which I really enjoy using: Nomie.

It's fully customizable, flexible and pretty easy to use. You can use it for anything, your imagination is probably the limit! :)

I use it now mainly to keep track of how many glasses of water I drink a day, but I've also added lots of other things to track: exercise, chores, sleep... I'm not sure yet what I'm going to get out of it, but to me it seems it's as good a way as any to track your life, and you can visualize the data. I've only been using it for a few days now, but when I've used it longer and I have some interesting results, I will definitely share it here. Also, it's also king of motivating to tap the icon after doing exercise or going for a walk. :)

So, in short: if you easily want to track
  • Exercise
  • Mood
  • Sleep
  • Food
  • Budget
  • Time
  • Chores
  • ...
Go try out Nomie!

What will you track?

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