Saturday, January 7, 2017

Quick & easy lemon water trick!

Lemons ice water by Riedelmeister
Very short post now (catching up from missing to post yesterday :o), but this quick tip might help you a lot if you are interested in drinking lemon water in the morning.

Since I don't see myself juicing (half) a lemon every morning, this is what I do: I buy a whole bag of lemons (that way they are also cheaper), and during the weekend, when I have some more time, I juice all of them and pour the juice in ice cube trays. That way, every morning, all I have to do is pop out 1 or 2 lemon ice cubes, put them in my cup and pour some hot water in there. Easy as pie and super quick for your busy mornings!

Another added advantage is that you are set for multiple weeks, and you only have to clean the juicer once! :)

Hope it will help you save time. Do you plan on using this trick? Any related tips you want to share? Let me know in the comments!

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