Monday, February 20, 2017

Bedroom improvement ideas

Pillow by manbob86
Lately, I've gotten into the habit of putting all my "floating thoughts" in lists. It helps to give you the feeling that you aren't forgetting anything and to keep your mind calm and rested. One of the lists that has grown quite long is all the improvements I would like to make to my bedroom. (And why!) 

  • Fix the basics
    I know, it's not a very sexy topic to start with, but it's the one stopping us from really getting started with our bedroom improvements. Unfortunately, it seems we have a humidity issue and on some places it causes the wall to deteriorate. :(
    I would love to be able to just fix it up and add a new layer of paint, but that will not help with the humidity issue. And currently we don't have a good view on how to tackle this, so we first need to find someone who can help us with it.
  • Buy some new furnitureIt has been on our list for a long time, but we still have mismatched nightstands and I'd like to replace them for matching ones.
    Next would be some small clothes hanger, since I have the bad habit of just throwing clothes that I still want to wear on the floor. I just need to start looking for a good solution.
    Last one: currently we don't have any surface to place some decoration, so a dresser is also on my list. I just need to figure out where to place the laundry bin that's now in the way, but it would help to store some clothes in a better way. And most of all, I'd love some space for...
  • DecorationNothing too fancy, but some candles for a more romantic atmosphere and some plants to purify the air and bring in some nature would be lovely. Also, we still have a big space above our bed that just begs for some pretty painting. Although we didn't decide what yet. :)
    Talking about empty spaces, we're also still looking for a mirror to hang above the washstand, but this is where we have the humidity issue we need to fix first.
    An easier thing would be: fancy tissue box covers. Tissue boxes are so handy, but it looks a bit ugly on your night stand...
  •  Lights!Also on our list for forever: a nicer ceiling light. It's not too bad, but our ceiling is pretty low, and we have a hanging lamp, so it all comes quite low. We've already found a nice alternative, so we just need to buy it and hang it.
    Next up: better reading lights. The lights on our nightstands are more for mood lighting and not bright enough for reading, so we need to search for something better.
    And lastly: I want a wake-up light. You know, these lights that simulate the sunrise to gently wake you up? I love being woken up by (gentle) light! But my partner... not so much, so it's still on hold.
  • Better bed sheets (and pillows)I know, I'm getting a bit luxurious here, but another thing on my wish list is satin or bamboo bed sheets. It just feels sooo good and it's supposed to better for your skin, hair and health in general. One day!
    A little less decadent: we should invest in some good pillows and a new comforter. The old ones are getting really flat and lumpy, so it's time.
So much to do, so little time! What improvements would you love in your bedroom? Share below!

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