Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017 resolutions - update #4

Wet street by skeeze
Whaaat, this is already the last day of February? Past time for an update!

Due to some very busy times, I'm going to keep it quite short. I also notice that in general I tend to have a pretty good first week, and a less good second week, so I'm also thinking about switching these reviews to a weekly thing. I don't know if it will help, but I'll give it a shot.

In general: the past 2 weeks were quite hectic at work and at home, but I did my best to stick to the schedule and do my exercises.

The schedule
Some ups and some downs... I still didn't define a good new morning routine. I tried to, but wanting to do exercise, going by bike and getting to work early is a bit... ambitious. I would just have to get up earlier, so I need a plan to get there.
Talking about sleep: I'm managing to be more consistent, but I'm having issues again to not snooze. So I need to look into my morning routine and focus on getting up as soon as I'm awake. And really getting to sleep on time. I think that might have been the biggest issue due to being a bit too busy.

The walks
First week: good weather, did almost all the walks, also in the weekend. Second week: horrible weather. Still managed to go for a few walks, but since I also wanted to leave work on time, I was not very motivated to go out alone in the cold weather. I suppose I'm doing OK, but not good enough to call it a habit and scrap it off the list yet. I hope the weather will get nicer, that would really help.

The exercise
When the weather was nice I cycled every day, but last week I went by car. I'm still following my exercise schedule though, and I'm only one day behind, even with everything going on. I'm not sure yet what I will do when this calendar is done. I have a few physical challenges I would like to work on, but I mostly still want to work on the general toning of my body... Decisions, decisions...

The weight loss
Unfortunately, I exceeded my quota for snacks and alcohol (but not by much). That's what you get when your partner suddenly organizes a whiskey evening and there are parties at work. Ah well... Compared to January, it's only 1/4th so it's not too bad. I think I stranded at 1,2kg weight loss up until now, but I still have to do a week of exercises, so I'll do the final judgement next week.

The writing on this blog
As you might have noticed, I didn't manage to write much during the last weeks. I'll try to improve on this.

Action points:
I'll try a bit less points to focus on. Together with a weekly review, I hope this will help me improve faster.
  • Go to bed on time & no snooze!
  • Find a good morning routine and stick to it. (Should help me to not snooze and get to work earlier)
  • (Sunday) Find a new exercise thing to do
Let's go for it! How are you doing with your resolutions?

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