Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 resolutions: update #1

Wooden track by smellypumpy
So, after 2 weeks of 2017, how am I doing with my New Year's resolutions? Let's see!

Sticking to the schedule
Let's start with the worst: sticking to the morning and evening routines is currently not going very well. I still have to revise them, but executing the ones currently in place is also not turning out great. To be fair, we were still in holiday the first week of January, and we tried re-adjusting to our normal schedules, but parties don't really help. Also, my partner didn't feel like already getting back into his "working schedule", which is also not very motivating.
This week was a bit better, but my sleep rhythm is still a bit screwed up, so I didn't manage to go to fall asleep and get up on time.
I think I'm going to re-introduce some parts of the schedule step by step, so for the next update, it will be better

Drink more water
This one is turning out quite well! Since I started tracking, I can at least notice by the end of the day I still need to drink more water, and then I do. I also received a drinking bottle for Christmas, and I'm now using it at work, which also helps a lot to increase my water intake. I'll keep tracking to make sure I keep hydrating enough, but it seems this will work out well! :)

Take a daily walk
Already a bit harder than drinking my daily amount of water, but it's going quite well. I think I skipped only one day, because we went out for lunch with colleagues, and in the evening I had some housework to catch up with (I know, excuses, excuses), but other than that, I managed to go every day! :)

Do fitness/pilates exercises
I should still put a bit more structure in it, but I managed to do it up until now! Though the time I do it varies between 10 and 25 minutes. I also can't follow all the exercises, but I notice it comes back quickly. I don't really see the results yet, but even with this little bit of exercise every 2 days, I feel a bit of difference! :) I might try to do longer routines or even some exercise every day after I manage to stick to my schedule again.

Lose 5kg
Like I said in my original post, I will only actively try to lose weight starting in February, as we still have a lot of dinner parties planned in January, but I'm starting to look into setting a realistic goal and approach. Since I already have quite a lot to focus on, I don't want to make very drastic changes in what I eat, and I don't have time to add a lot of exercise. (Of course, you can always try to make more time for it, but currently I don't want to commit to go running or hit the gym. I'll stick to my fitness exercises once every 2 days for now)
I think I'm going to try to just cut out my unhealthy snacks and alcohol, and cycle to work as often as I can. Along with the exercises I added to my schedule, I should be able to lose 5kg in 3 months without altering my diet much. I will probably also moderate my portions a bit, and if I feel like I'm on top of everything else, I'll already start making healthy changes in my diet. But I'll still see... For now my goal is -5kg by the end of April.

A daily post on this blog
Well, you might have noticed that this didn't work out. There are multiple reasons. One is that I can't write when someone is watching me. Since usually I'm sitting right next to my partner, I have to move to be able to write. And since in the beginning, I didn't tell him I started writing, I only did wrote when he was busy with something else. I have now informed him however, so now it's OK that I isolate myself to write.
The second reason is that we were currently not sticking to the schedule well enough, meaning that I didn't take the time to write.
The last and most important reason however, is that I forgot that the amount of time it takes to write an in-depth article. So for now, I will revise this goal and say I'll aim at 1 article every 2 days. Anyway, I currently have planned time to learn every day about life improvement techniques and tips & tricks, and this is what I'm mostly aiming at. Writing about it is mostly a way to consolidate the information and hopefully help other people too. :)

Action points
So, that's my progress after 2 weeks. In short, I'll focus on keeping up with drinking enough water, and walking every day. I'll try to expand upon my exercises and make a plan on how I want to lose weight, and try to reach 15 posts/month on Life++. And the biggest challenge will be to get back on schedule, but I'm going to approach it step by step.

How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? Let me know!

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