Monday, January 16, 2017

YouTube recommendation: Practical Psychology

Okay, I decided that a (big) post every day might be a bit of a stretch, but I can't resist posting something quick today. As an added bonus, this recommendation complements well with Life++. In a way, this channel even inspired me to start this blog. So, without further ado: meet Practical Psychology!

This introduction video explains in short what the channel is about, but for those who prefer to read: you'll find tips and tricks on how to be happier, more productive and healthier. There are also a few video's on how to become an entrepreneur, interesting psychological knowledge and advice on how to impress girls. (Yeah, it mostly seems to be aimed at men, but it's also useful for us females ;-) )

What I like a lot are the "book in a nutshell" videos. I didn't know this was a thing, but it feels good to watch a pretty short video and learn the biggest take-aways from a book you would otherwise spend a few hours reading on. If you find the topic very interesting, you might be compelled to actually read the book. At least I am!

Since discovering this channel, I've been searching for more similar content, but I found a lot of the channels too similar. They all review mostly the same books and talk about the same thing packaged a little differently... I'm still looking into a few other channels that seem different enough, which I will post at a later point. (When I've watched more videos! :-) )

In the meanwhile, which YouTube channels/videos do you recommend? Let me know in the comments!

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