Tuesday, January 17, 2017

9 reasons to cycle to work

Cycling by dusk - Pexels
Cycling to work/school has some obvious benefits, but today I'll list all of the benefits I see when I take my bicycle to work instead of the car.

  • About 45 minutes of exercise which I would otherwise spend sitting still. Burn, calories, burn!
  • Fresh air! It wakes me up.
  • If the weather is nice, it puts me in a good mood be out there. :)
  • For me it's often faster to go by bike than by car. Or at least, it's more predictable.
  • I get extra money from my workplace if I come by bike. (It's not a lot, but it's something.)
  • I don't need to refuel as often, also saving money.
  • When I go by bike, I shower at work, again saving money!
  • Also, I tend to shower longer at home than at work, so in than way it's also better for the environment.
  • Oh, of course, it's better for the environment if I don't take my car!
So in my case, I get a nice dose of exercise, a good mood, and I save time, money and the environment, all through the simple act of choosing my bicycle over my car.

Of course there are also some downsides -maybe I'll also write a post about that later on-, and not everything may apply to you. Maybe you don't have a shower at work, or the distance to your workplace is just to great, but I hope that for some of you, one or more of these reasons motivate you to opt for the bicycle if possible.

Do you have more reasons to ride your bicycle? :)

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