Thursday, January 19, 2017

App I love: PushBullet!

Illustration from the PushBullet press kit
Just a quick tip for today, but this app is just so convenient! It's called PushBullet and I use it mainly for sharing links quickly. My partner discovered it a long while ago and we've been using it ever since. Basically when you're on a site, you can "push" that link to another device or another person.

Super handy for pushing a link...
  • ... from my phone to my computer.
  • ... from work to my personal laptop.
  • ... to my partner.
It has extra features like showing notifications from your phone on your computer, and sending a text message from your computer instead of typing on your phone. You can also use it for general messaging, in case you don't want to use apps like Messenger or Whatsapp.

It can also be used with services like IFTTT (If This Then That), but to be honest, we haven't done very advanced stuff yet. One cool thing we did though: we have a Rasberry Pi with Kodi connected to our TV, and in that way we can easily push YouTube videos to the TV. Pretty neat! My partner set it up though, but I might explain it in more detail, when I find more cool stuff to do with PushBullet. Keep an eye out! ;-)

I feel like this app has saved me so much time and it's just so easy to use, so I highly recommend it. Give it a shot! Do you know any good apps you'd like to share?

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