Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 resolutions

Other than a few spurs of trying out something, I already made these positive changes in 2016:

Drinking warm lemon water in the morning
by Tookapic
It's supposed to get your digestive system running, purify your body, give you some extra vitamins, and probably a lot more good things. Maybe I'll write a more elaborate post about it at a later point.
I'm not sure it's actually doing a lot for me, but I like a hot drink in the morning, and to me the taste is nice too.
This one, I am usually able to stick to. Hurray!

Morning routine
Tuscany Grape Field by alohamalakhov

I used to only get out of bed when my partner left for work. Then I had to rush a bit and only arrived at work just in time, meaning I had to work long hours. I wanted to change that and compiled a more productive morning routine. I don't stick to it as well as I should, but I get out of bed at least an hour earlier than I used to.

Living on a schedule
A few months after I started my morning routine, my partner came up with the idea of making a schedule to live by. The main goals were to get more housework done and taking time for useful hobbies like playing musical instruments, programming, etc..

Resolutions for 2017
I have a lot of ideas and things I want to try out -hence the start of this blog-, but these are some of the priorities:
  • Sticking to my schedule and morning routine
    I will still adjust them due to the new things I want to incorporate and some things just taking more time than I initially thought, but then the main focus will be to actually stick to them as much as possible.
  • Drink more water
    I'm afraid I'm just naturally not thirsty enough... I really have to keep drinking (water) into mind to just drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water. I started this habit by the end of 2016, but now I installed an app on my phone to actually track it.
  • Take a daily walk
    I sometimes did this at work before lunch, but only when there was someone to join me and when I wasn't too busy. I now want to go anyway, and if it's really not possible during lunchtime, then I want to catch up in the evening. Need to get those 10000 steps and a bit of fresh air! :)
  • Do fitness/pilates exercises
    I used to always have a nice flat stomach, but in the last 2-3 years, I gained some weight and I can see those kilo's on my belly. As for my butt, I did some intense pilates workout for a few weeks, and I was amazed by the result. Unfortunately, after I stopped, the result also slowly melted away. :( So this time I'll try to keep it up, with exercises at least 3 times a week. 1 x belly, 1 x butt, 1 x legs. If I manage to do more, that would be even better, but I would already be happy if I can make 3 times a week happen.
  • Lose 5kg
    Talking about that weight, I would like to lose about 5kg. I currently have no plans yet for a diet, I will just try to cut out some sweets, eat a bit less, and hope the added exercise will help. Since January is still a month of continued New Year celebrations though, I will only start really improving my eating habits in February.
  • A daily post on this blog
    A promise is a promise. :) I just think that it will serve as a reminder to keep improving my life through learning, staying healthy and spending my time wisely. And hopefully helping others to do the same along the way!

I have more on my mind, but these have my highest priority. The others I will try to incorporate in my schedule/routines slowly but surely.

What are your resolutions? Let me know in the comments!

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