Sunday, January 1, 2017

The start of something new

Today, a new year has begun: 2017. Throughout 2016, I've already been trying to make some improvements in my life: waking up earlier, getting more stuff done, living healthier... I'm happy to say I partially succeeded, but this year I want to do more!

So the main reason I'm starting this blog is to keep track of interesting life improvement ideas and resources (books, sites, YouTube channels...). What do I find, what do I (try to) implement, what are my findings? I aim to keep an overview while hopefully helping others, and maybe even engaging with you, the readers! I can only dream, no? :)

To find out what I'm up to, stay tuned! I'll try to post something every day, and mix topics up a bit, so it always remains fresh and new.

I hope you had an amazing first day of the year. Let's start making all our days amazing!

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