Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 resolutions update #3

Forest Path by bertvthul
Here we go again, another 2 weeks passed! Let's see how I'm doing. :)

As I mentioned before, 2 weeks ago I was on business trip for a week. It's basically our product team meeting up with our development team for an intense week of meetings. We're only going once (maybe twice) a year, resulting in a bit of a "work hard, play harder" mentality, which then results into eating and drinking a lot in the evenings and only getting back at the hotel in time to get just enough sleep for the next day.

So just a small explanation of why that week will not be part of this "evaluation" :) So, onto last week! How are my "main goals" doing and how did I handle my action points?

The schedule
Well, I still need to take some time to make my morning and evening routines more concrete again, but overall, I feel like I'm improving. The action points I had here were:
  • Improve sleep, get up without snoozing: I still need to work on going to bed on time, but at least I manage to get up earlier and barely snooze. In general, I also feel more rested, but I think a more consistent sleep (also in the weekends) wouldn't hurt.
  • Do the 30 minutes of housework in the evening: I don't always manage, but it's getting better. I have 2 main problems: 1. Our kitchen is really cold. 2. At least 1 of our kitties settles on my lap while we're watching the news, and they're so cute I can't make them leave. The first problem should go away on its own when the weather gets warmer, the second one... Well, I'll just have to get over it I guess. (But they're really soooo cute!)
  • Get to work earlier: Well, due to the fact I'm now exercising before work, I'm not really getting there earlier. To solve this, I'll have to get up earlier or be more efficient during the morning, but I'm already kind of proud that I manage to do 30 minutes of exercise and still get to work in time! :)
The water
I still need to keep an eye on it in the weekends, but other than that, it feels like second nature now, so I will be removing it from this list in the next update. I did it! :)

The walks
I blocked the time in my calendar, and that seems to help for my walks during the week. Only on Friday I skipped because I needed to address urgent issue, but that project should now soon be closed. Of course, it's difficult to control the amount of work that can suddenly pop up, but what I will now focus on is to really do my weekend walks too, because I'm slacking off a bit here... (The freezing weather isn't helping, but it shouldn't be an excuse.)

The exercise
As you may have seen in my previous post, I started following an exercise plan. This week it was about 30 minutes every day except today, so that means I at least tripled my amount of exercise! Only last week I didn't cycle to work a lot, so I'll make that a focus point. They predict good weather, so it should be okay.

The weight loss
My business trip didn't do any good for my weight unfortunately, but I will still try to stick to the -1,5kg by the end of February. Although I forgot to take into account that due to my exercise, I'm building up muscles (which are heavier than fat), so I'll have to see where I'll get. The reduction of alcohol and unhealthy snacks is going well up until now, so that should help. More details in the next update!

The writing on this blog
Even though I couldn't write in the first week of February, I managed to catch up. I'm really enjoying it and I have tons of ideas for future posts, so I think I'll manage to stick to it. I'll also remove this point from this list, but if you have requests for articles, please let me know!

Action points:
  • Keep working on more consistent sleep (get to bed on time, snooze even less)
  • Get over how cute my cats are to get more done (like the 30 minutes of housework in the evening)
  • Recreate my morning routine to arrive at work earlier (and be able to leave earlier)
  • Do the weekend walks and keep pushing for my lunch break walks
  • Cycle to work more often
That was it for now! Due to the exercise plan I'm following, I have enough challenge for now, but I think I'll also set some new goals in March. For me it just works really well to evaluate them and give myself action points to focus on.

Do you have any goals you'd like to share? And how are you doing? Inspire me by leaving a comment below! :)

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