Saturday, February 4, 2017

Purifying meditation

Meditate by Pexels
I'm not that much into meditating (yet), but sometimes I like to do it in bed to help me fall asleep. This one in particular, I "created" myself years ago. (Or I must have read about it somewhere, but I really can't say where anymore. Anyway I feel it grew into what I do now quite organically.)
Since I'm not much of a "meditator" myself, I suppose it's pretty easy to follow along.

The purpose of this meditation is to let go of negative energy (emotions, worries, pains, thoughts) and replace it by a soft, positive, relaxing energy.

I visualize my entire body filled with gray/black smoke. (The more negativity, the darker.) This represents all the negative energy that you came into contact with. Then I just start breathing, and I imagine that I breathe in white light, representing positive energy. With every exhale, I breathe out the smoke.

Usually I just imagine that the light starts filling up my body, going from feet to head, pushing out the negative energy, as if it were oil drifting on water, but you can of course visualize whatever works for you. My advice would only be: don't try to rush it, but really imagine and "feel" all the negativity leaving your body and the positive energy filling it up. Focus on every little part of your body releasing the tension and becoming light.

At the end of the meditation, you should visualize your body filled with white light, purified and relaxed. For me personally, at this stage I can just fall asleep, but if I want to energize myself, I imagine that the light gets brighter with every breath, but to me this feels like a different meditation that just combines very well with this one.

Enjoy and leave a comment if it helped you! :)

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