Sunday, March 5, 2017

Recommendation: 16Personalities

"Self-knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom." I'm not entirely sure that's a known quote in English, but that doesn't make it less true. :) So today I want to recommend 16Personalities to you.

I think it's a very smart decision to try to get to know yourself better, which is why I'm quite a fan of personality tests. Yes, I'm aware that people are complex and different, and you can't fit everyone in a certain "personality box", but I do believe it can give some good insights. Recently I discovered a website that has a really nice adaptation on the well-known MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) personality test:

I think 16Personalities does a great job at explaining their personality typing method, but just in very short, for the people that want to know more before diving into it:

Just like MBTI®, the 16Personalities focuses on 4 spectrums:
  • Extravert vs. Introvert
  • Observing vs. Intuitive
  • Thinking vs. Feeling
  • Prospecting vs. Judging
Additionally, the added Assertive vs. Turbulent.

Depending on which side of the spectrum you are, you get a letter for each category and end up with a combination of letters, defining a certain personality type. After you did the test, you will not only get your result, but also a super-detailed and useful description of your type.

I should emphasize that it is not identical to MBTI®, but it's very close. (Read more about it on their "Our Theory" page.) However, even for people who are familiar with MBTI® typing, I still recommend taking the 16Personalities test and reading the results. For each type, they dig deeper into:
  • Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Parenthood
  • Career Paths
  • Workplace Habits
They also have a premium option for even more in-depth analysis. I didn't try it out yet, but I might at a later point.

Still within the free package though, they also have tests for leadership and parenting styles, romantic compatibility and more. I discovered those additional tests today and I find them really interesting, so definitely give them a shot.

There are also resources available for studying the theory, personality type-related articles, and lots of graphs and results of their surveys. All super-interesting! Did I also mention that this site is visually amazing on top of the content just being great?

In short: really cool resource, go try it out. Happy self-discovery!

What type are you? Leave a comment down below. :)

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