Tuesday, March 7, 2017

My New YouTube-Obsession: Lavendaire

I have to admit, my posting schedule is currently not so great. The culprit? I found an amazing YouTuber, and I just can't stop watching her videos. Meet Aileen!
Aileen is the star of her channel Lavendaire (tagline: Life is an art, make it your masterpiece). She creates so many useful videos, mostly about intentional living, lifestyle & habit building, self-care and a bit of minimalism. Next to that she is also an artist (singer, pianist), she creates podcasts, created a workbook to help realize your goals, and she just seems to have a beautiful and kind soul.

There's so much I could recommend, but if you feel up to it, definitely check out this "How to Find Your Purpose in Life" video:

It kind of got me thinking... Maybe more about that in a later post. Anyway, she is just so soothing and motivational to watch, I can only hope you can benefit from this channel as much as I do.

Ow, before I forget: also check out her site: lavendaire.com


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