Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Quick tip: have Date Nights!

Beach Romance by AllieWare
Life can be extremely busy sometimes: work, family, friends, housework, hobbies... And at one point you realize that you barely make time for your partner anymore... No longer! Time to plan Date Nights!

It's quite easy actually: just decide together with your partner what would be a good frequency to have Date Nights, and how you want to tackle them.

For example: my partner and I decided to plan our dates every 2 Fridays, and we alternate in who "organizes" the date. For us, it's not obligatory for it to be a surprise, and we can check in with each other, but if you like to keep it a surprise, that totally works! :) Just like the frequency: more or less depending on your situation and the time you can spend.

To be honest, Date Nights are not only a solution for not spending enough time with your loved one, but also for spending that time in a qualitative way.
It doesn't need to be expensive, you don't even need to leave the house. Just do something together that you both enjoy, whether that is going for a walk, playing a video game, having a nice dinner or treating each other to a relaxing massage: your imagination is the limit!

Do you already schedule Date Nights/Days? What are your best date ideas? Leave a comment! :)

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