Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017 resolutions - update #4

Wet street by skeeze
Whaaat, this is already the last day of February? Past time for an update!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Realize your dreams - set SMART goals

Diary by Nikolay Frolochkin
We all have dreams. Big dreams. The thing is, big dreams are difficult to realize. What you really need is a plan. A list of SMART goals that will help you to make that dream into reality. So, what is a SMART goal and how will it help you?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The best way to (un)load your dishwasher

Tableware by congerdesign
Time for another quick tip! If you have a dishwasher, you're already lucky that you don't have to spend time washing your dishes by hand, but what it the most efficient way to (un)load your dishwasher?

Monday, February 20, 2017

Bedroom improvement ideas

Pillow by manbob86
Lately, I've gotten into the habit of putting all my "floating thoughts" in lists. It helps to give you the feeling that you aren't forgetting anything and to keep your mind calm and rested. One of the lists that has grown quite long is all the improvements I would like to make to my bedroom. (And why!) 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Boost your productivity with Pomodoro!

Tomatoes by Anelka
Today I want to share a productivity method with you: the Pomodoro technique. I discovered it a few years ago and when I oblige myself to use it, I just get more done. I'm a fan! So, how does this work?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 resolutions update #3

Forest Path by bertvthul
Here we go again, another 2 weeks passed! Let's see how I'm doing. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

28 Days Exercise Plan for Beginners

Click to enlarge!
Don't get too excited, I didn't assemble my own exercise plan, but since one week I started following the Blogilates Beginner's 2.0 plan. Continue reading for a calendar with links to the matching videos and my personal experience up until now!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Quick tip: have Date Nights!

Beach Romance by AllieWare
Life can be extremely busy sometimes: work, family, friends, housework, hobbies... And at one point you realize that you barely make time for your partner anymore... No longer! Time to plan Date Nights!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Minimalism with muchelleb

Hi all! Today it's time for another YouTube recommendation! I found this channel a few weeks back, and I've been waiting for a good moment to share it with you. And now it is! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Purifying meditation

Meditate by Pexels
I'm not that much into meditating (yet), but sometimes I like to do it in bed to help me fall asleep. This one in particular, I "created" myself years ago. (Or I must have read about it somewhere, but I really can't say where anymore. Anyway I feel it grew into what I do now quite organically.)
Since I'm not much of a "meditator" myself, I suppose it's pretty easy to follow along.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Why you should stop ordering lunch

Bread and butter by andreas160578
Back from my business trip and ready to go! For today just a short post, but a useful one. (I hope!) Did you ever think about how much money you can save by preparing your own lunch?